off-roadVehicle - Clean

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Unity Asset Store
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
FPS car EnterExit-system
3 Assets

Package Overview

Singleplayer ready EnterExit system for cars with turrets (or not)

Included in package:

-2 scripts, easy to use code & setup in inspector
-Off-road turreted car model
-2x 4K texture sets (Dirty & Clean) for HDRP, URP & UE4
-Example scene (HDRP)
-Info pdf
-EXTRA: Lmg shot audio clip
-EXTRA: MuzzleFlash model & texture

Simple controls:
E to interract
A to turn steering wheel left
D to turn steering wheel right
R to repair engine

simple setup:
-Prefab drag & drop or set up your own model
-set your players tag to "Player" and you are
mostly done!
-no animations needed

Edit properties in inspector:
turret firerate,cooldown type,seat amount, turret on or off, tap or press down to interract

polygons/faces combined amount: 55 521