Olympia Class Interceptor Mod 3

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Author name
Peter Primini
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CC BY 4.0

Asset Overview

The Olympia Class Interceptor was designed to use high speed, protection and firepower to engage and destroy capital ships without the support of a fleet. Equipped with 10 quad barrel Large Caliber Tacheon Ray Cannons, 30 double barrel Small Caliber Tacheon Ray Cannons and 128 Artemis IV Launcher silos the ship possessed an unprecedented level of firepower. Shielded with combination of a new generation of Energy Shielding, and Composite energy absorbing armor the vessel was nigh indestructible. The only Ship to ever suffer near catastrophic damage was a ship that inadvertently exited Intra-space too close to a star, nearly destroying the port side, even so the ship was able to return to drydock for repairs. The Olympia Class also holds the current record for fastest relative travel through Intra-space, achieving a maximum relative velocity of 4.4 million times the speed of light. The 3 Kilometer long ship marked the start of the capital ship era and rewrote the book on deep space combat.

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