Mobile Sports Car HQmobilesportcarPBRsubstancelow polybakedwheelcartoonyhigh endbaked lighting
Mobile Sports Car HQ
1 Assets
Package Overview
3319 triangles - car body
192 triangles - wheel
Mobile game high end sports car with a PBR substance and baked albedo.
Wheel has a baked albedo and a PBR substance
Model optimized for high to low end phones. Using the baked albedo will guarantee smooth, no framedrop gameplay
Compatible with:
* Unity: Standard Assets
* Randomation Vehicle Physics 2.0
* Realistic Car Controller 2.8
* Extreme Vehicle Pack
Textures are placed on uv space so they can be used at a resolution of 256*256 and still retain design fidelity
The wheel textures can be set as low of 64x64 resolution and still maintain design fidelity