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Unity Asset Store
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Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Scifi Tanks Collection IV
273 Assets

Package Overview

This mega pack contains 5 scifi utility vehicles. They can be equipped with modular equipment. The models have two camo patterns with 4 different texture sets. All tanks are available for single purchase too.

With this mega pack you save 25% compared to purchasing the models separately.

-1 Scifi Crusher Infantry Fighting Vehicle

-1 Scifi Mobile HQ

-1 Scifi Mule Heavy Transport

-1 Scifi Multi-Purpose Vehicle

-1 Scifi Spider Scout Vehicle

-Wheels can rotate/steer

-Tank tracks can be animated with UV offset

-Road wheels and turret/barrel can rotate

-2 camo patterns

-4 different texture sets

-PSD with intact layers is included

-PBR textures (specular)

-Ready to use prefabs of all models are included

-Texture size tank 4096 / equipment 2048


The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.

for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials

for HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials

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