Asset Overview
Stop motion (Timeframe) animated Spider Slam from our GMTK entry Possusota.
This is very good demonstration of our stop motion animation style we designed with CDuck.
We have three different object cycling animation styles:
**Static**, just one frame, no animation, though it has three damage states like others. Body of Slam is Static
**Constant**, constantly playing animation with fixed speed. This model use Constant for driver character and smoke
**Relative**, animation speed is tied to speed of object moving, and plays in reverse when speed is negative. This is for character legs, car wheels etc. Spider legs are Relative
For Possusota we added Throw animation that plays once when you press button.
There could be multiple animations of same kind, like this has two separate constants. Both could have different animation speed and health amount when they change to damaged variation.
Basically this is advanced sprite swap with meshes.