Swedish archipelago frigate Udema Ingeborg

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Museovirasto Museiverket Finnish Heritage Agency
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The Udema class was the second lightest of the four archipelago ship types developed by Sweden in the second half of the 18th century. The Udema had a lighter hull construction with a single broadside gun placement on the keel line. The guns were situated on pivoting platforms on the deck (main deck without gun vales), a new idea in naval warfare. This not only saved costs as only half the guns were needed per ship, but also made the ships much lighter and suitable for the hazardous Finnish archipelago. Hull dimensions: • Length at waterline: 35.9 m • Greatest width (breadth): 8.6 m • Greatest depth: 3.1 m Ship 09, Swedish Udema Ingeborg, closed sails, 14.5.2020, programs: 3ds Max, Modo, Photoshop, UE4. This model was created in the Maritime Museum of Finland project "Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla" by Zoan Oy and is part of Smoke on the Waves experience at Maritime Centre Vellamo. https://kohtalonaruotsinsalmi.fi/