Swedish mortar boat

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Museovirasto Museiverket Finnish Heritage Agency
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CC BY 4.0

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The mortar boat was a specialist vessel for the Swedish archipelago navy. While small like the gun sloops and similarly constructed, it was sturdier and wider. This allowed the vessel to sit more stable on water and provide a better gun platform for the mortar. Unlike cannons the mortar only shot ballistic shot to a distance of about 1 km. The rig is very simple, consisting of one straight mast in the middle of the boat. The mast houses two sails on forward and the other back. Hull dimensions: • Length at waterline: 10.1 m • Greatest width (breadth): 4.2 m • Greatest depth: 1.2 m Ship 13, Swedish Chapman type gun yawl, closed sails, 6.5.2020, programs: Blender, Substance, Marvelous Designer, Modo, Photoshop, UE4. This model was created in the Maritime Museum of Finland project "Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla" by Zoan Oy and is part of Smoke on the Waves experience at Maritime Centre Vellamo. https://kohtalonaruotsinsalmi.fi/