This is the Tetro Mini Star, created by the Tetro Royal Army sometime after 200 Tetra Years [T.Y.]. The concept of the Tetro Mini Star came from the idea of Al B. Omino, descendant of Albatross D. Omino, who saw inspiration from the Sanskrit vimanas. He asked the Roman Emperor, Commodus Via Lacteus, to show him how the Sanskrit vimanas are made. Commodus said yes and calls for one of the Sanskrit engineers to construct a vimana for him and demonstrate it to the Tetro Royal Family. The contruction and demonstration went nicely and the Tetros are convinced to establish the Tetra Aerospace Research Center. With this, the Tetra Vimanas were successfully built based off the Sanskrit vimanas and they began look into space with enthusiasm. At the instructions of Zee S. Hachi, the Tetro Royal pilots were trained under Roman and Sanskrit style. Then, they placed the Tetrominos together into a small, but powerful starfighter. The first of the Tetra Royal Space Force is the Tetro Mini Star, currently in use to this day.