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Author name
Innovana Games
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 4.99
Low Poly 3D Fire Brigade & Concrete Mixer Trucks
5 Assets

Package Overview

Low Poly 3D Fire Brigade & Concrete Mixer Truck Mobile Friendly with Hand Painted Texture

The package includes the following assets:

1. Truck - 1: Fire Brigade
- Polygons: 578
- Vertices: 811
- Diffuse Map Texture file(PNG format): 2048 X 2048 (Size: 2.33 MB)
2. Truck - 2: Concrete Mixer Truck
- Polygons: 625
- Vertices: 747
- Diffuse Map Texture file(PNG format): 2048 X 2048 (Size: 1.56 MB)
3. Base
- Polygons: 300
- Vertices: 242
- Diffuse Map Texture file(PNG format): 2048 X 2048 (1.92 MB)

The package includes 1 scene :
1. Daylight

Note: The tires of all the vehicles have been placed separately. This will help the developers to program these vehicles to move.
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