An alien rodent based on Earth's rodents, meerkat , various reptiles and fish. It's part of a group of creatures all based on African fauna.
The rodent has 2 color variations adapted for life on the savanna and jungle, and 2 rarely occurring melanistic and leucistic color patterns. With it's outwardly curved horns, the rodent sticks it's head into the soil, moves it left and right to dig it's burrows, which functionally resembles the use of a shovel.
The store files contain :
2048 x 2048 textures for the body (Normal map, AO-Roughness-Metalness map, 4 Base color maps : Savannah, Jungle, Melanistic, Leucistic)
2048 x 2048 textures for the eyes (Normal map, AO-Roughness-Metalness map, Parallax map for Iris depth, 3 Base color maps : yellow, green and blue )
A 3ds Max file containing the skinning, a CATrig with all the bones and controllers, and the rodent meshes themselves.
A FBX file of the skinned and rigged rhino.
An OBJ file of the rodent.
Polycount: 7392 polys, 7365 verts in total.