Blender-chan RT is an unofficial moe-anthropomorphic character based on the sketches of "Blender-chan!" by SearKitchen on Sketchfab of the world-famous Free and Open Source 3D software: Blender!
Although Blender® and the Blender logo are copyrighted works by The Blender Foundation, Blender-chan RT is not affiliated with the Blender Foundation in any way. Which is what makes this model an "unofficial" fan-art. Please do not use the model for anything that will hurt or damage Blender or The Blender Foundation in any way.
Blender-chan RT is Free and Open for redistribution (just like Blender!), but it comes with absolutely NO warranty! (just like Blender!). You are free to make any changes to the model, but if you make improvements to the model, please consider sharing them somewhere for the love of FOSS.
# Download
This model is available for free on and on Github