Asset Overview
This is Blendy! He is a pizza and thechnology lover and his favorite pizza "brand" is pizza nut (lmaorofllol).
These are some facts about him:
-He is scared of Sonic.EXE;
-He **HATES** pinapple on pizza;
-He is optophobic and his glasses make him blind;
-His favorite youtuber is yos3xgamer (Bandu) and,
-He is on good terms with Expunged, Ringi, Boxbi (my OC) and he is best friends with Bamboozeled and Blank (my brothers OC's).
**If you want to use any of my 3D models, please, give me credit!** Thanks!
*OC by OmegaBlaze (my brother), design by SmileStep (SmileDamn) a.k.a MEE!!!!*