Block people are cube/blocky styled characters. Great for creating a blocky style game or application. Package Includes a variety of low poly block characters that are game ready and Mecanim/animation ready prefabs to use in your project!
Includes Desktop and Mobile optimized versions of all prefabs.
- 3 different blocky characters
- 12 Skin variations
- Male and Female genders of blocky characters
- Mobile and Desktop versions of all character prefabs (12 desktop prefabs and 12 Mobile prefabs, 24 prefabs total)
- 18 different animation poses.
- Mecanim ready animator controller. Easily add your own animations to the controller
and watch Blocky People animate!
- Optimized compressed png texture maps (1024x1024)
- Example scene with all characters.
-Works with both 3D and 2D projects
-Mobile Ready!
-Unity 5 Ready!