
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Maksim Bugrimov
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Support For Unity Version
Package price
$ 15.99
Underwater odyssey(Pack)
Underwater odyssey(Pack)
19 Assets

Package Overview

Containts such as 4 characters with animations a Cargo ship with 1 animation,a box,a barrel, a bucket,a bathyscaphe and rope.

1.Character Captain Contains 12 animations
-idle other
-Idle Attck
-Get Hit

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048size)

Polys: 4,175

Tris: 7,808

Verts: 4,038

2.Character Diver Contains 11 animations

-Get Hit

PBR textures.

(all 4096-4096size)

Polys: 15,032

Tris: 28,874

Verts: 14,961

3.Sailor 2 Contains 12 animations

-idle other
-Idle Attck
-Get Hit

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048size)

Polys: 4,044

Tris: 7,538

Verts: 3,860

4.Character Sailor Contains 12 animations

-idle other
-Idle Attck
-Get Hit

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048size)

Polys: 3,144

Tris: 5,962

Verts: 3,010

5.Cargo ship has 6 models such as a ship,a box,a barrel,
a bucket,a bathyscaphe and rope.Also the Cargo Ship has 1 animations.

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048size)

Polys: 32,575

Tris: 59,083

Verts: 31,700

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