ChM CM981 - Coyote Skull

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The Charleston Museum
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CC BY-NC 4.0

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**ChM CM981** - *Canis latrans* Coyotes are within the Family Canidae alongside wolves and domestic dogs. Their frame differs from modern gray wolves in that they tend to be smaller overall with larger ears and a more elongated skull. Their features overall are thinner than their wolf cousins. Coyotes are prevanent in Native American folklore, often referred to as a trickster. Today, coyotes are often considered a pest species that will raid farms of their chickens and potentially other small livestock. An invasive species, coyotes have a negative impact on native deer populations as they reproduce at a much higher rate. The total impact of coyotes on South Carolina's native species is still being studied by researchers, but it has been suggested that coyotes tend to target fawns. [Click here for the mandible of CM961.]( This scan was collected as part of a student project at The Charleston Museum in association with the Business Innovation Lab at The Citadel.

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