Asset Overview
* **LeTMC-520** (Orbbec Astra Pro, like) / RGB=1920x1080 D=640x480, Structured light
* **Honor 20 View** / RGB=3968x2976 / D=240x180,Tof (30fps cannot be reach at that rgb resolution)
* **Kinect 1** / Xbox 360 - RGB=D=640x480 Structured light (rgb can be a a little higer, but not 30fps)
* **Kinect 2** / Xbox One / RGB=1920x1080 D=512x421
* **Kinect Azure DK**
* **Photogrammetry** using 2 frames of 4K video (3840x2160, bitrate 25Mb/s) taken from Honor 20 View and Huawei P20 Pro = different sensor - OpenCamera default settings - Metashape : Mesh from high DepthMaps - (/!\ my mistake before was to not control ffmpeg which was compressing a lot extracted frame in jpg. keep good jpg resolution extracting frame: `ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -qscale:v 2 frames/f-%04d.jpg` or using .png )
As I want to compare main sensors, please share a picture of your sensor, if possible in portrait mode with someone standing as close as possible with your foot and head visible and showing your 5 fingers like me