My fourteenth model I am uploading in regards to my entry for the competition: “Explorer of new worlds” ( is a further developed version of the "Big Bad" I uploaded earlier.
Once again I struggled greatly to upload the model. I do not understand what is happening (My file attempt WAS under 50mb to my accounts limitation).
This time as I had a good amount of (Even if primitively) polypainting involved I was not able to get away with just decimating. I had to attempt some manner to project the colour information.
I must confess to rather enjoying the amount of additional work put into this stage of it. I am in doubts on using the throw-sheets or not. As both it is not in character (Cloth-wise) to have the heavy draping I enjoy sculpting... And it pretty well covers a lot of the work up (Again). None the less it is a great way to cover up a crime scene shall you have only paws and are in a hurry.
Hope the model can provide some influence to you.