Female warrior figurine

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Author name
Loïc Norgeot
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Release Date
CC BY 4.0

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The 100% Open Source process I used to scan this object was the same than for the [Open Source buddha](https://goo.gl/qKN9U5), except that I did not correct anything here (more info and pictures on the buddha's model): * [Colmap](hhttps://goo.gl/bF7DDB) + [OpenMVS](https://goo.gl/rDDsm1) for scanning * Blender + [BakeMyScan](http://bakemyscan.org) for post-processing * Gimp for color correction / roughness map If you have any idea concerning the possible style or origin of this object, I would be really curious to know, learning resources are also welcome! It is about 10cm high and made of brass. The sexual symbolism seems really strong, and my detective senses make me think that it could come from Africa, and depict a female warrior ;) Apart from that, I'm really lost with that figurine: I can't seem to find a similar style of naive faces with a quick internet search! Thanks to [La Brocante du Phare](https://goo.gl/maps/fQ7J6ASDzT62) in Roscoff for lending me the object :) ![](https://goo.gl/KQyafY)