A Game-ready, VR-Ready Realistic Hand with 4k texture maps.
2*Albedo Maps are supplied in this package.
Animation is as one Take, one entire range that you will have to split up in your final animation software or engine, make sure to import animations in the import settings of your chosen software.
5-34 - FormFist
36-37 - PoseFist
61-62 - PoseSpread
71-72 - PosePoint
78-79 - PostThumbsUp
87-88 - PoseRockOn
97-98 - PosePeace
107-108 - PoseThree
117-118 - PoseFour
124-125 - PoseAoK
132-133 - PoseUpYours
144-145 - PoseShoot
160-185 - AnimThumbsy
190-265 - AnimComeHere
290-484 - AnimRangeTest
506-507 - PoseCallMe
515-516 - PoseHoldFlashlight