Asset Overview
Kagura (神楽, かぐら, "god-entertainment") is a Japanese word referring to a specific type of Shinto theatrical dance—with roots arguably predating those of Noh. Once strictly a ceremonial art derived from kami'gakari (神懸, かみがかり, "oracular divinaification"), Kagura has evolved in many directions over the span of more than a millennium. Today it is very much a living tradition, with rituals tied to the rhythms of the agricultural calendar, as well as vibrant Kabuki-esque theatre, thriving primarily in parts of Shimane prefecture, and urban centers such as Hiroshima.
First object created with the latest version of 3DF Zephyr. Pretty happy with the quality of the object and the speed of the application. No optimizations have been applied, still even thin objects like the knives and horns have been recognized.
Location of the statue: