Doc -
Ava is a Lamia part of the Laminass Faction. She’s a new bread, compared to her parents. Who where mutilated souls from past human experiments. Once the world was turned upside down and the new factions’ lines were drawn in the sand. There location put them inside another group’s lands. Leading to them having to escape. In the process, both of them where killed but they managed to in their final sections get Ava across the border. From this, she’s decide to dedicate her life to unifying the broken world and bring peace to all.
Ava, while being flawed from her past, always tries to do the right thing. Even if that’s not what is seen in the eyes of the law. but when not in the heat of a mission, if a childish individual finding enjoyment in things many never find.
Personality: Dedicated, troubled, childish, sneaky