Asset Overview
Edit: Freely downloadable !
The process I used to scan the original statuette is described in the original model, called the ["Open Source Buddha"](
I used the remeshing, PBR and baking features of an Open Source addon I develop, [BakeMyScan](, in order to create this pack of lowpoly (3k triangles) statues reprocessed from a 3D scan, all within blender.
The download comes with a total of 32 2048x2048 textures (every material has at least an albedo and a normal map, most have a roughness map, and some a metallic one), as well as .fbx, .obj and .ply models for the base model.
Finally, I also included the .blend file from which the render above was created.
Hope you'll enjoy, do not hesitate to let me know if you make something fun out of them !