Requires Unity 5.6.3 or higher.
Dragons with Pentagramm on her Heads
Work in Unity 5.6.3p1 or higher
Animator: 1
-start fly (short)
-sleep and stand up (short)
-bow down
-get hit
- attack
Scripts: 1 (Animationscript)
Scenes: 1 (Testscene)
prefabs: 6(different Textures)
1Prefab(pink Texture)
1Prefab(lila Texture)
1Prefab(red Texture)
1Prefab(blue Texture)
1Prefab(black Texture)
1Prefab(green Texture)
Mesh:1 (MagicianDragon)
Materials: 6
Texturestypes: 6 Default.png
1 Bumpmap.png
-Model has 5927 verts
-Model has 11842 tris