This is a 3D model of a **Sling tailed Agama lizard** (Stellagama stellio cypriaca) scanned using the Beastcam MACRO on a live lizard in Cyprus. The mass of the lizard is 78 grams. CG artist **Jer Bot** retopologized and reconstructed the snake in the open source 3D animation software Blender ( He did this through images captured using an array of six Canon G16 cameras and other reference photos. The construction of this model is part of the post-doc research of Dr. **Savvas Zotos** (POST-DOC/0916/0034)( and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation. This 3D model will be used as a means for both studying and presenting the species movement and behavioural patterns.