This asset has realistic MOOSE bull model.
The model has 4 levels of LOD:
- 12400 tris,
- 7700 tris,
- 4400 tris,
- 2600 tris.
There is a version for mobile phones with 2600 triangles.
Texture maps - albedo, metallic / roughness, normal map (all 4k).
57 animations (RM/IP):
idle 1-3, attack 1-3, attack walk, attack run, drink, eat, sleep, hate, hide, hide rotate left(right), rotate 90,180 left(right), idle rotate left(right), walk forward, walk back, walk left(right), walk back left(right), trot forward, trot left(right), run forward, run stoping, run left(right), jump, jump trot, jump run, jump up, jump down,swim idle, swim rotate left(right) swim forward, swim left(right), hit simple, hit hate, etc.