PF_DarkMage_01 Variant

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Author name
Stanley 3D
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 9.99
Dark Mage / Sorceress
4 Assets

Package Overview

Update! Added facial blendshapes (allowing open mouth, move brows, etc), new color schemes, reduced polycount and removed majority of skinned renderers resulting in better performance for your projects.

More in "Release notes".

Highly-detailed original 3D model of a dark mage/sorceress.

Certain parts of her costume can be disabled. You can remove such things as: horns, face mask, earrings, jewelry, etc to customize the look.

Model has face, eyes, teeth and tongue.

NOTE: This model's body doesn't have forearms and feet.

Supports Mecanim and third-party animations.


LOD0: 56k tris

Materials: 6

Textures: 2048x2048 PNG 8BIT

Textures include: Ambient Occlusion, Metallic, Diffuse(Color), Normal, Emission.

Animations: no

Sounds: no


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