"The worlds most viewed 3d model of this moment in time, now available to 3d print!" I think a lot of people would like to have a real profile avatar of there Pokémon GO character

Now you can 3D Print your own Pokémon GO Avatar!
Paint it the same as your in-game avatar and enjoy it while standing on your desk!, ...next to your charging "Pokédex"..!
More info on how to pose, model and make printable by yourself:
I try to rip the model assets from the Android .APK but could only extract the pictures and not the 3d models and then I found the extracted assets of the game posted on GitHub including the game models!!
The steps I took
•Pose/animate in Mixamo
•Import pose/animation into Blender
•Imported in Meshmixer
•Exported to Netfab
•3D print
(This model is ONLY for your personal use and can not be sold!
YouTube video: