RRPlayArea [Static]

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Author name
Redhead Robot
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Support For Unity Version
Package price
$ 12.5
Robot Smiley V1.2RobotPlayableControllerAnimationCharactersCuteThirdPersonPlayerSupportGames
Robot Smiley V1.2
7 Assets

Package Overview

READY TO GO playable Character


- Player controller highly customizable with speed, turn rate, jump settings ready to tune to your liking.

- Standard shader (PBR) and Mobile friendly texture included.

- 5 colour variations including wireframe texture to create your own textures

- Optimized for mobile games (low poly), 2904k

- 1024 textures (Albedo, Normal, Metallic, Emission & Mobile colour map).

- Various animations fully compatible with Mecanim Humanoid.

- Fully playable demo scene

- 3D demo environment

Animation list

- Idle (look around)
- Movement (Walk, Run, Jump)
- Special (Skid, Roll)
• Attack (Hurt, Die)

version 1.2
Version 1.2
- Fixed a couple of small bugs
- Wrong rotation speed | Fixed
- Incorrect jump velocity | Fixed
- Prefab transform offset issue | Fixed
- File renaming | Renamed with RR prefix.
- Jump toggle | Added an option to the
RRCharacterControllerData so you can choose if you wish to use hold to jump or press to jump.
- Jump dropoff | Added an option to the RRCharacterControllerData so you can have a jump velocity dropoff per update cycle.

version 1.0
First release
- 3rd Person player controller
- Robot Smiley character
- 5 x Colour variations
- Wireframe texture for texture creation

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