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Author name
Red Deer
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Shepherd Pack
17 Assets

Package Overview

This pack contains everything, to create a game about the shepherd.
The pack includes:
- Shepherd - 1350 tris, 14 animations (walk, walk bucket, walk cart, attack, darw water, idle_1, idle_2, pours out water, push stick, sit start, sit end, milk, shear, tiening), color and nomal maps (1024x1024).
- Dog - 1200 tris, 11 animations (attack, die, idle_1, idle_2, run, eat, sit start, sit idle, sit end, walk, woof), color and nomal maps (1024x1024).
- Sheep, Ram and Lamb - 1100 tris, 10 animations (walk, run, lie start, lie idle, lie end, die, eat 1, eat 2, idle_1, idle_2), 2 color and 2 normal maps (1024x1024).
- Objects:
bucket, cart, dog house, fence 1-2, tent 1-2, knife, trough 1-2, rope, scissors
- total 3000 tris, color and normal maps (1024x1024).

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