Skulls In Ponchos 2skeleton;GrimFandango;Ponchos;muertos;skull;desert;poncho
Skulls In Ponchos 2
22 Assets
Package Overview
They were never really gone. Yet, they are back!
The second iteration of the Skulls in Ponchos package brings an entirely new Mecanim-Ready skeleton character, re-imagined in a different style. It includes 8 animations:
-Idle Alert;
-Idle Insane;
-Idle Talks;
-Run (root motion);
-Walk (root motion);
The Skulls in Ponchos 2 character has an animated hoodie with correspondent animations that can be ran simultaneously with the character plus 2 expressions:
- Angry;
This package contains a Prefabs Builder scene.
There are 10 ponchos materials that can be mixed and matched with an equivalent 10 skeletons materials.