Stop War

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stop war a free downloadable sculpture,. In War there can be heroic persons who "dont need a ride, - but amonition" and there can be Villans, who considder killings, in a Orwelsk language, to be "special Millitary operations" - but its still the civillians and specielly the children who have no part in all this, who are the victims. My sculpture is a tribute, to the most vulnarable who also some times need to be the most braves, - and say no- and stop this war. The girl haved flied in here kanin shoes, and her sleeping clothes, - having no time, and she´s bravelly trying to protect her Teddybear, as her only belongings. That is the tale of this sculpture, and my attempt to visualize the war, in a dignified, and not sensation seeking way. My sculpture is for free, but if you like this , it would be a good gesture to donate to helping organisation who help the victims of war.