This monster is designed for all platforms, including mobile.
The package is ready for Unity3D 4.x & 5.x.
5.x is used "Standard shader(specular)"
The package has 3 variation texture,
Also has animations for Mecanim and Legacy
Contains effects for actions like this
Includes a simple field terrain for Demo.
Demo Scene have settings for testing.
. Scripts for character&camera control
. Light setting
. Field setting
- Mesh(tris) = 2026
- Diffuse map (1024 3EA , 512 3EA)
- Normal map (1024 1EA , 512 1EA)
- 9 Animations(Mecanim&Legacy)
Idle02,(with effect)
attack01,(with effect)
attack02,(with effect)
attack03,(with effect)
walk,(with effect)
run,(with effect)