A catacomb skeletons Team for the Brave series.
Characters are not animated but Mixamo and Mecanim compatible.
All skeletons have the same material.
Included in this set are:
Skeleton Archer
- 5472 Tris
- 1024 x 1024 texture color
- 512 x 512 texture skeleton
- 1 Bow
Skeleton Crossbow
- 5812 Tris
- 1024 x 1024 texture color
- 512 x 512 texture skeleton
- 1 Crossbow
Skeleton Shield&Sword
- 5368 Tris
- 1024 x 1024 texture color
- 512 x 512 texture skeleton
- 1 Shield
- 1 Sword
Skeleton Standard
- 4288Tris
- 512 x 512 texture skeleton
Skeleton Two_Handed
- 5558 Tris
- 1024 x 1024 texture color
- 512 x 512 texture skeleton
- 1 Sword