Cartoon City is probably the most comprehensive package of modular cartoon city building on the asset store as of now including cars, structures, props, decals, roads.... The total amount of prefabs included in this asset is 213! for the price of 30$ you would be paying 14 cents a pop! The reason I released this asset is the same reason why you are currently assessing whether or not to purchase it. I just could not find anything on the asset store that is as extensive and follows the same artistic theme for my own project so I decided to make my own and share it with you. I hope that this asset is of great use to you and if there is anything I may have overlooked please leave a comment in the comment section and I will release it in an update.
Assets include:
(78) vehicles and variations
(34) Structures and variations
(77) props
(20) road, parking, and other similar assets.
some foliage