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Unity Asset Store
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Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 4.99
Science Lab - Science Flasks
19 Assets

Package Overview

This pack contains a series of science flasks, Beakers and Graduated Cylinders.

18 X 3D model (FBX)
18 X prefabs set up

Materials are set up as Standard Specular, with the glass
set up as transparent for reflections.
Can set to fade for less reflectivity.

Package has all prefabs set up with 2k maps, but both lower and higher (512 to 4k) are available on request. Feel free to ask for color changes as well!

DISCLAIMER: The preview images were taken using an IRAY renderer in Substance Painter and you will need to check out the end of the preview video to see what it will look like in Unity. One key difference is that you cannot see the text elements from inside the flasks.

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