Asset Overview
Bitcoin Low Poly with 8K Displacement
The model is a flat coin, all detail comes from the textures (mainly DIsplacement/Height/Normal). Both faces of the coin are identical (to leverage higher texture resolution).
Rendered with Octane Render:

[Additional Files Included]
.spp (Substance Painter Project File)
.tex (4K Textures),
.tex (8K Textures),
.c4d (Octane Render shaders),
.orbx (Octane Render package)
.c4d (Physical shaders),
.e3d (Element 3D),
.max (3ds Max),
.dae (Collada),
.usdz (Pixar/Apple AR),
.gltf/.glb (Khronos Group),
.uasset (Unreal Engine)