Asset Overview
Terminator 2 a.k.a. Super Design Ending-Man BS-500 AS was popular 3rd generation video game console and it was sold in countries such as: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, India, Kenya and Hungary. It was also sold in Italy as "top consolle" and was very popular within 90s generation youth. Terminator 2 is a hardware clone of Nintendo Famicom released in 1992. and manufactured mostly in Russia and China. Media used fot this console was ROM cartridge and it had 1.66-1.79 MHz emulating 8-bit MOS 6502 CPU.
Low poly model, it can be used for games, rendering and similar. It is made to look as worn out device with scratches. Also original sound from screen is included, so turn up volume. Old Goldstar TV , remote device, ROM cartridges, 90s magazines and comic book are also included.