Asset Overview
This simplified diagram illustrates several important components necessary to calculate the final speed & direction of the spacecraft after it receives the energy transferred from the accelerator station. This system uses on-board (Ion Thrusters) and external (Magnetic Field Pulse Generators) propulsion methods to transport cargo and personnel. RF Resonant Cavity Thrusters, Solar Sails, and other technologies can also be used to supplement the craft with additional power/maneuverability.
A) The Ion Thruster Array, located on-board of the spacecraft, is used as the primary method of steering and propulsion. The thrust/steering is generated by assymetrically expelling ionized Xenon gas from the individual thruster modules.
B) The Magnetic Field Pulse Generator Stations, scattered throughout the solar system, are used as the secondary means of propulsion. The thrust is generated through electromagnetic attraction between the electric field (generated by station) and a ferromagnetic projectile (spacecraft).