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Author name
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 5
Old Television
3 Assets

Package Overview

This Asset pack contains model of a Old TV. It includes two prefabs with which the player can interact.

Old TV set that can be used in a scene of horror or suspense, for example you can use your TV to give clues to the player.

WebPlayer DEMO

2 Textures are in .PSD(diffuse, specular) and .PNG file format (normal), resolution are 1024 x 1024.
5 Texture .PNG(diffuse), resolution are 256 x 256.

For all Prefabs can change the image displayed on the screen.

PSD file (customizable screen.psd) is included with your layers so you can customize the image.
You only need to replace the image in the textures folder.

They are all configured correctly for use with Unity, just import into your project.

Hope you like it! 
Also check out my other models, just click on my user name to see complete gallery.