Asset Overview
* 4096x4096 textures
* Textures format: 8 bit PNG
* Maps: Diffuse, Metalness, Roughness, Normal (OpenGL)
* There are also additional textures: **camerascreens_mask.png**: that is used to adjust the camera displays and red lamp on the front side of the camera and **test_pic_for_screen.png**: this is a picture for camera screens (this is configured only in the .blend scene).
* You can replace the displayed image for the camera screen in the nodes of the material **camera_mat**, but it must be with an aspect ratio of 16:9
* The archive has a .blend scene with a simple rig based on constraints. Demonstration of the work of rig by link:
* Models parts: 166
* Material count: 2
* Ready for subdiv
* Ready for Blender 2.93, Cycles Render and EEVEE
* Formats: Blend, FBX, Obj