Pack of 54 different models of Food in cartoon style.
- 54 Models and prefabs
- Albedo, Normal and Roughness textures
- 1024x1024 PNG textures
- AR / VR / Mobile ready
- The models are between 60 and 514 Polygons.
The models include
- Bacon
- Bao
- BlueberryCheesecake
- Bread
- Burger
- Burrito
- CaliforniaRoll
- Cheese
- ChickenLeg
- ChocolateBar
- Cookie
- CreamSoup
- Cruisant
- Cupcake
- CurryAndRice
- Donut
- Fish
- FortuneCookie
- FrenchBread
- FrenchFries
- FriedEgg
- FrozenYogurt
- GingerBread
- Ham
- Hotdog
- IceCreamCone
- IceCreamStick
- Lobster
- Macaron
- Meat
- Muffin
- NoodleBox
- Pancake
- Pie
- PieceOfCake
- Pizza
- Popcorn
- Pretzel
- Pudding
- Ramen
- Rice
- RoastedChicken
- Sandwich
- Sausage
- Shrimp
- ShrimpFried
- Spaghetti
- SpringRoll
- Steak
- Sushi
- Taco
- TomatoSoup
- Waffle