Due to COVID-19, many street parking spaces have been convered to "parklets" to accomodate outdoor dining and other activities. It's unclear how many of these will remain once the pandemic is over, so it makes sense to scan them as a form of historical preservation.
This particular parklet is on 30th Street in San Diego. It's used by [Parabola Coffee](https://parabolacoffee.com/) by day and [Second Chance Beer](https://www.secondchancebeer.com/) by night.
Made with [Scaniverse](https://scaniverse.com) on an iPhone 12 Pro. If you have an iPhone or iPad with LIDAR, you can create scans like this too. Visit https://scaniverse.com to learn more!
I'm posting my [2021 LiDAR scans](https://skfb.ly/6Z6KZ) on Sketchfab. [Follow me](https://sketchfab.com/keithito) to stay up to date.