Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
\nThis pack contains 33 different Wooden Crate assets. This includes 11 unique models in 3 different scales.
\nAll assets were originally created in 3ds Max 2016 and textured in Substance Painter using a full PBR workflow.
\nAlso included are 2 different texture sets for each asset. One with decals, one with no decals. You are free to mix and match these variations to suit your projects specific needs.
\nEach asset is fully optimised and ready for instant implementation into any project. The package contains prefabs for every variation so you can easily drag and drop them into your scene.
\nThis product was created by Happy Little Cloud. Please feel free to contact us for any work you may require. Check our profile for contact information. We are available for freelance work or if you have any specific model requests that you may need. Thank you for your interest in our work!
","id":274901091047,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-26T05:33:37Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-03T18:31:49Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Crate_03_C","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"134098","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"PBR Wooden Crates Pack"},"polygonCount":412,"publishedDate":"2018-11-30T12:28:07Z","publisher":{"id":"25225","name":"Ruthie Keena","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"crate_03_c-274901091047","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":11,"name":"Electronics & Gadgets","slug":"electronics-gadgets"}],"colors":["gray","black","orange","blue","cyan","white","red","brown"],"description":"
Introducing the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\" - the go-to asset for game developers looking to add a vast collection of low-poly 3D props to their projects. With 1001 models or prefabs available, ranging from household items to environment props, this pack is designed to save developers countless hours in modeling and prototyping.
Each prop is designed with VR, AR, and mobile devices in mind, ensuring compatibility across a wide range of platforms. The pack comes with one texture.png, ensuring that all props are game-ready and optimized for use.
From furniture to foliage, this pack has it all, making it the perfect solution for developers looking to create immersive low-poly worlds quickly and efficiently. So why spend hours modeling when you can get started on your project right away with the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\"?
Feel free to visit my blog for Unity tutorials and more!
Props: 1001 models or prefabs(Unity), 1 Texture.png, (game ready)
Props 1 - AC - Book1 - Book2 - Book3 - Books1 - Books2 - Books3 - Books4 - Books5 - Books6 - Books7 - Books8 - Books9 - Brazier - BreadBin - ComputerScreen - CookingGas1 - CookingGas2 - CookingGasTall1 - CookingGasTall2 - Cooler - CuttingBoard - DeskChair - DeskLamp - DrainCover - DrinkMachine - DVDPlayer - DVDStack1 - DVDStack2 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GameConsole1 - GameConsole2 - GameConsole3 - GameController - GardenMarker - Globe - Keg - Keyboard - Lamp1 - Lamp2 - LaundryBin - LetterBox1 - LetterBox2 - LetterBox3 - LetterBox4 - LetterBox5 - Microwave - Mouse - OpenBook - Plant1 - Plant2 - Plant3 - Plant4 - Plant5 - Plant6 - Plant7 - Pot1 - Pot2 - Pot3 - Pot4 - Pot5 - Pot6 - Pot7 - PotPlanthanging1 - PotPlanthanging2 - Radiator - RubbishBin1 - ShopCheckout - Speaker - Stair - Stereo - StereoSpeaker - StereoSpeakerBig - Stool - StreetSign1 - StreetSign2 - StreetSign3 - StreetSign4 - Toaster - ToiletBrush - TowerHanger - CoffeeMachine
Props2 - Art - Art2 - Art3 - Art4 - Art5 - Art6 - Art7 - Art8 - Art9 - BirdBath - Bucket - Cake1 - Cake2 - CakeSlice1 - CakeSlice2 - Candle1 - Candle2 - Candle3 - CardboardBox1 - CardboardBox2 - CardboardBox3 - CardboardBox4 - CardboardBox5 - Cart - CeilingFan - CeilingLight1 - CeilingLight2 - CeilingLight3 - CeilingLight4 - CeilingLight5 - CeilingLight6 - CeilingSign1 - Cheese - Clock1 - Clock2 - CookingPot - CookingPotLid - FruitBowl - Jar1 - Jar2 - LightSwitch1 - LightSwitch2 - OutdoorLight1 - OutdoorLight2 - Pan - PetBowl1 - PetBowl2 - Plate1 - Plate2 - PowerPlug - RubbishBin2 - Scale - SmartSecurityLight - Sprinkler - TowelRack - ToyBlock1 - ToyBlock2 - ToyBlock3 - Toys - TVRemote - TVRemote2 - WallLight1 - WallLight2
Props3 - ACOutdoorUnit - AirVent - BabyCot - Chair1 - Chair2 - Chair3 - Chair4 - CompostBin - Couch1 - DeckChair1 - DeckChair2 - DeckChair3 - DeckChair4 - FirePlace1 - FirePlace2 - FloatingNoodle1 - FloatingNoodle2 - FloatingNoodle3 - FloatingRing1 - FloatingRing2 - FridgeDrink - GlassesStand - Hoop - HoseReel - IceCreamFreezer - InflatbleFloatingBed - KitchenHood - LaundryBin2 - LaundrySink - Mirror1 - Mirror2 - Oven - PublicPhone - RoadSign1 - RoadSign2 - RoadSign3 - RoadSign3 - RoofAirVent1 - RoofAirVent2 - Rug1 - Rug2 - Safe - ShopShelf - SolarPanel - Table1 - Table2 - Television - TelevisionOld - TelevisionWall - Toilet - ToolCabinet - Trashbag1 - Trashbag2 - TVCabinet1 - TVCabinet2 - WashingMachine1 - WashingMachine2 - WheelBarrow
Props4 - Barbeque - Barrel - BathroomRug1 - BathroomRug2 - BathroomSink1 - BathroomSink2 - BathTub1 - BathTub2 - BikeStand - Chair - Couch2 - Couch3 - Desk1 - Desk2 - Drawers1 - Dresser - Dresser2 - Dresser3 - FloorMat - FoodHeater - Fountain - Hoop2 - Manhole - OutdoorTable - ParkBench - RubbishBin3 - Rug - ShopCounter - SideTable - Sign - StandingLamp1 - StandingLamp2 - StreetSignPole - Toilet2 - ToolBoard1 - ToolBoard2
Props5 - Antena - Couch5 - Couch6 - DiningChair1 - DiningTable1 - Fridge1 - Fridge2 - FuelPump - KitchenCabinet1 - KitchenCounter1 - KitchenCounter2 - KitchenCounterEnd - KitchenCounterSink - KitchenCounterWashing - OutDoorOven - Pew - Piano - PoolChild1 - PoolFitness - PoolSpa1 - PropaneTank - SatelliteDisk1 - SatelliteDisk2 - ShopShelf2 - ShopShelf3 - Shower1 - Shower2 - StreerLamp - Swing1 - Trampoline - Wardrobe1 - Wardrobe2 - Wardrobe3 - WorkShelf1 - WorkShelf2 - Shell1
Props6 - BookShelf1 - BookShelf2 - BunkBed1 - Couch - Couch1 - Couch2 - Couch3 - Couch4 - DiningChair2 - DiningChair3 - DogHouse1 - DoubleBed1 - DoubleBed2 - DoubleBed3 - OutDoorHeater1 - OutDoorTable2 - Pillow - Playground1 - Playground2 - Playground3 - Playground4 - SandBucket - SandPit - ShopCounter2 - ShopFridge1 - ShopFridge2 - SingleBed1 - SingleBed2 - WashingLine1 - WashingLine2 - WashingLine3 - WashingLine4 - WashingLine5 - WorkBench1
Props7 - AmericanFootball - Blade1 - BoxCutter1 - Bread1 - Brush1 - Brush2 - Can1 - Can2 - Chisel1 - Corn1 - Cup1 - Drill1 - Drink1 - Drink2 - Drink3 - Drink4 - DrinkGlass1 - DrinkGlass2 - Fork1 - Frsibee1 - GardernFork1 - GardernTowel1 - GardernTowel2 - GlassBottle1 - GlassBottle2 - GlassBottle3 - GlassCup1 - GlassCup2 - HackSaw1 - HackSaw2 - Hammer1 - Hammer2 - Hammer3 - JuiceJug1 - Knife1 - Mallet1 - Mallet2 - MouthWash1 - Mug1 - Nails1 - Onion1 - Pizza1 - PlasticCup - Pumpkin1 - RealFootball - SausageBun1 - SausageCooked1 - SausageRaw1 - Saw1 - Scrapper1 - ScrewDriver1 - ScrewDriver2 - Soap1 - Soap2 - Spanner1 - Spanner2 - Spoon1 - ToiletRoll1 - ToiletRoll2 - ToiletRoll3 - ToiletRoll4 - ToiletRollMounted1 - Tomato1 - ToolBox1 - ToothBrush1 - ToothBrush2 - ToothBrushCup1 - ToothPaste1 - WateringCan1 - WireCutter1 - WireCutter2 - Wrench1
Props8Env - AboveGroundPool1 - Bush1 - Bush2 - Bush3 - Bush4 - Cabbage1 - Carrot1 - DirtPile1 - DivingBoard1 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GardenBox1 - GardenBox2 - GardenShed1 - Grass1 - Grass2 - Grass3 - GrassEdge1 - GrassEdge2 - GrassEdge3 - Hedge1 - Hedge2 - Hedge3 - IngroundPool1 - PathBlock1 - PlantCorn1 - PlantOnion1 - PlantPumpkin1 - PlantTomato - PlantVege1 - PlantVege2 - PoolLadder1 - PoolLadder2 - Tree1 - Tree2 - Tree3 - TreeBase1 - TreeBig1 - TreeTall1 - TreeFramed1 - TreeFramed2 - TreePine1 - TreePine2 - TreeTall2 - WhiteFence - WhiteFenceGate1 - WhiteFenceGate2 - WhiteFenceGate3 - WhiteFencePost - WoodFence1 - WoodFenceGate1 - WoodFenceGate2 - WoodFencePost
Props9 - AlarmPole1 - Barrel1 - Barrel1 - Barrel3 - BarrelPile1 - BarrelPile2 - BarrelPile3 - RoadBarrier2 - BedFrame1 - BrokenMirror1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank3 - BulletShell1 - BulletShell2 - CampBed1 - CampBed2 - Chair4 - Chair5 - ChickenCoop1 - Chimney1 - Crate1 - Crate2 - Crate3 - Crate4 - CratePile1 - CratePile2 - CratePile3 - DiningTable2 - Fence1 - Fence2 - Fence3 - FenceGate1 - FenceGate1Door - FenceHigh1 - FenceHigh2 - FenceHigh3 - FenceOrnate1 - FenceOrnate1Post - FenceOrnate2 - FencePost - FenceWire1 - FenceWire2 - FenceWirePost - FirePlaceOld1 - GasCan1 - Gramaphone1 - GrandfatherClock1 - Hay1 - Hay2 - Hay3 - HayPile1 - HayPile2 - LandMine1 - LightPose1 - Matress1 - MiniTable1 - OldOven1 - OldRadioBox1 - OldRadioBox2 - OldRadioBox3 - PowerPole1 - RadioTower1 - RoadBarrier1 - SearchLightBase1 - Shleves1 - ShipMine1 - Steps1 - Strecher1 - Table3 - TankTrap1 - TankTrap2 - Turret1 - Typewritter1 - Wire1 - Wire2 - Wire3
Props10Weapon - AssaultRiffle1 - Bayonet1 - Bayonet2 - Bayonet3 - Bazooka1Missile - Bazooka1 - Bazooka2Missile - Bazooka2 - Flamethrower1 - Flamethrower1Tank - Grenade1 - Grenade2 - HeavyMachineGun1 - HeavyMachineGun2 - MachineGun1 - Mortar1 - MortarShell - Pistol1 - Pistol2 - Riffle1 - Riffle2 - Riffle3 - Riffle4 - SubMachineGun1 - SubMachineGun2 - SubMachineGun3 - Torpedo1
","id":274903031028,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-23T18:03:01Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2023-04-19T07:09:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"PoolSpa1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"188724","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack"},"polygonCount":770,"publishedDate":"2021-08-09T14:04:36Z","publisher":{"id":"37446","name":"MagixBox","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"poolspa1-274903031028","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["black","red","brown","gray","cyan","orange"],"description":"Description
\nThis project includes everything pictured with all assets, maps, materials created in the Unity. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.
\nArt created by Dekogon Kollab Artists. \n
Technical Details\n
\n78 Prefab AssetsLow Poly Asset Bundle by JustCreate includes 17 Low Poly Asset Packs with more than 5900 prefabs.
\n\nSave 65% from normal combined price! \nDEMO SCENES included!
\n\nPacks included in Bundle:
\n\nOptimized for:
\n\nP.S. Packages content between Unity and Unreal Engine could be different! If you don't have some models on your Unreal Engine package you can find them in BundleFBX archive. Images are rendered in Unity HDRP.
","id":274897968154,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-30T07:57:38Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"House_13","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"3302884","polygonCount":544,"publishedDate":"2023-04-30T07:57:38Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"JustCreate"},"rigged":false,"slug":"house_13-274897968154","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["bundle","lowpoly","unity","unreal","game","pack","collection","environment","nature","forest","medieval","fantasy","3d","package","city","dungeons","tree","ue","exterior","office","other"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["cyan","black","gray"],"description":"Jump in to our Discord to Learn, Create and Share!
Synty Studios™ presents -
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a fantasy based polygonal style game.
Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
Includes a demo scene (Character poses indicative only)
Key Features -
221 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors.
- Customizable Viking Boat, Fishing Boat, Modular Buildings, Mountains, Table, Seat, Fish Pile, Modular Beach sections, Dirt mounds, Glacier Ice Chunks, Floating ice pieces, Icebergs, Modular wood pathway, Stone rocks, Rocks, Mountain Statue, Plants, Trees, Weapons, Cross, Totem, Bench, Beer Mug, Cow Skull, Clay Pot, Chest, Goblet, Fur Rolls, Ladder, Weapons rack, Fishing nets, Fish bucket, Hanging fish, Wooden fish hanger, Weapons rack, Wheel Barrow, Spiked defense, Anvil, Wharf.
Characters (x5)
- Chief 01, Warrior 01, Warrior 02, Grunt 01, Grunt 02.
(with Alternative colors)
- Heaps of awesome content included (see the layout screenshots for more details)
- Includes winter versions of most assets with custom snow
Check out our other Assets
◼ Compatibility ◼
- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here
- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
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Follow us for updates, promotions, previews & tutorials:
","id":274900541562,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-19T08:36:43Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2023-03-30T04:21:15Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_Bld_Wharf_01","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"00085664","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLYGON Vikings - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"},"polygonCount":4520,"publishedDate":"2020-04-30T23:22:11Z","publisher":{"id":"5217","name":"Synty Studios","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_bld_wharf_01-274900541562","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":8,"name":"Industrial","slug":"industrial"}],"colors":["cyan","gray","black","blue"],"description":"Jump in to our Discord to Learn, Create and Share!
Synty Studios™ Presents -
A Low Poly asset pack of Buildings, Characters, Props, Tools and Environment assets to create a Construction themed polygonal style game.
OVER 550 Detailed prefabs are included with this pack.
◼ Key Features ◼
- Modular Highrise and House systems!
- Detailed power tools with removable batteries!
- Construction vehicle fleet!
- Add POLYGON City or POLYGON Town to the project to populate the demo scenes
◼ Assets ◼
Characters (x9)
Builder Female, Builder Male, Builder Harness, Builder HighVis, Builder Overalls, Builder Raincoat, Builder Singlet, Inspector Female, Inspector Male
Character Attachments (x35)
Beards (x5), Belt Attachments (x6), Cigarettes (x2), Earmuffs, Face Shields (x2), Filter Mask, Goatee, Goggles (x2), Hat, Helmets (x7), ID Badge, Mustache, Glasses (x4), Welder Mask
Vehicles (x14)
Bulldozer, Cherry Picker, Crane (plus Wrecking Balls), Excavators (x2), Loaders (x3), Pickup (plus Toolbox, Canopy, and Lightbar), Roller, Telehandler, Trailers (x2), Truck (plus Concrete Mixer and Dumptrays (x3))
Environment (x36)
Dirt Roads, Ground Pieces, Driveway Curbs, Dirt Piles, Bones, Rocks, etc
Additional Presets (x26)
Optimized preset house exteriors
Environment (x36)
Dirt Roads, Ground Pieces, Driveway Curbs, Dirt Piles, Bones, Rocks, etc
Props (x300)
Barrels, Barriers, Pallets, Boxes, Building Supplies, Large tools, Cones, Crates, Site Elevators, Beams, Poles, Pipes, Junk Piles, Ladders, Chairs, Plans, Cables, Bins, Signs & Posters, Scaffolding, Storage Shelves & Racks, etc
Items (x15)
Drinks, Batteries, Pencils, Clipboard, Radio, Spray Cans, Tape, Walkie Talkie, etc
Tools (x39)
Angle Grinder, Batteries (x3), Box Cutter, Buffer, Chisel, Circular Saw, Concrete Breakers (x2), Concrete Saw, Crowbar, Drill, Hammers (x3), Handsaws (x2), Impact Driver, Orbital Sander, Paint Brushes (x2), Paint Rollers (x2), Pliers, Prybar, Saber Saw, Screw Driver, Spirit Level, Square, Tape Measure, Nail Gun, Trowels (x2), Wire Cutter, Wrenches (x3)
◼ Compatibility ◼
- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here
- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
- Free Mixamo animations can be used on our characters - Mixamo Tutorial
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In the pack you will find, 147 Prefabs along with their meshes and corrosponding materials/texture maps. Great for adding to any Low-Poly, simple feel and astetic.
Barriers: 25x
- 6x Linked Segments, 3x of which w/Fence
- 5x Single Barrier w/Fence Segments
- 3x Large Barrier Segments
- 5x Regular Barrier Segments
- 1x Rough Cut Barrier Segment
- 1x Water Barrel
- 1x Large Tall Barrier Segment
- 3X Road Block Signs
Equipment: 32x
- 3x Lights
- 2x Radio (Sm, Lg)
- 11x Various Tools
- 2x Buckets
- 7x Equipment
- 5x Signs
- 2x Dumpsters
Loose Objects: 37x
- 8x Paint Cans, 4x of which Open
- 8x Single Boards + 1x Pipe
- 6x Various Bricks/Cinder Blocks + 1x Cinder Platform
- 1x Box + 1x Cement Mix
- 5x Spools
- 2x Propane Canisters
- 2x Portas
- 2x Mesh Fence Segments
Pallets: 24x
- 1x Single Large
- 1x Single Small
- 1x Empty Metal Rack
- 1x Large Pallet Stack
- 7x Objects in Racks (Wood & Pipes)
- 1x Dry Wall + 1x Stack
- 1x Plywood + 1x Stack
- 1x Sheet Metal + 1x Stack
- 7x Objects on Pallets (Cement, Bricks & Cinder)
Pylons/ Traffic Cones: 18x
- 1x Tall Traffic Cone w/legs + 1x w/light
- 1x Tall Traffic Cone w/flatbottom + 1x w/light
- 2x Tall Traffic Cone Mess
- 2x Large Traffic Cone, 1x of which w/Light
- 2x Large Traffic Cone Stack, 1x of which Mess
- 1x Flat Caution Sign Mess
- 1x Flat Caution Sign
- 2x Traffic Cone Mess
- 1x Traffic Cone Plain Bottom
- 1x Traffic Cone Black Bottom
Scaffolding: 11x
- 1x Single Platform
- 1x Single Scaffolding End
- 2x Scaffolding End Pile
- 1x Platform Pile + 1x Mess Pile
- 1x Small Scaffolding wo/Platforms
- 1x Large Scaffolding wo/Platforms
- 2x Large Scaffolding w/Platforms
- 1x Small Scaffolding w/Platforms
","id":274902800378,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_20.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_50.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_80.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_110.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_140.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_170.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_200.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_230.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_260.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_290.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_320.webp"},{"href":" Wire Spool/Screenshots/Large Wire Spool_350.webp"}],"main":{"href":" Wire Spool/Large Wire Spool.webp"}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-20T00:00:23Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-01T09:26:55Z","modelUrl":" Wire Spool.obs.glb","name":"Large Wire Spool","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"218230","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Low-Poly Construction Props"},"polygonCount":10292,"publishedDate":"2022-04-21T09:33:13Z","publisher":{"id":"61637","name":"Paris Pixels","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"large_wire_spool-274902800378","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["purple","gray","black","blue","cyan","red","white","brown","green"],"description":"Deslice Cream es helado DESLACTOSADO, SIN GLUTEN, LIBRE DE GRASAS TRANS con opciones BAJAS EN GRASA Y SIN AZÚCAR","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":3122836,"free":true,"id":274893990113,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-08-03T16:43:01Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2016-08-03T16:43:01Z","name":"Deslice Cream SABORES","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"9cc5ab7174534176bc070a85f47f5185","polygonCount":1648,"publishedDate":"2016-08-03T16:43:01Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"BitAll Force","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"deslice_cream_sabores-274893990113","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":null,"vertexCount":1854},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["black","gray","cyan","green","brown","red"],"description":"Description
\nThis project includes everything pictured with all assets, maps, materials created in the Unity. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.
\nArt created by Dekogon Kollab Artists. \n
Technical Details\n
\n47 Textures