
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Marius Popa
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Barriers and Fences Pack
17 Assets

Package Overview

If you want to keep zombies, rebels or even an army out of your base, this pack will help you.

The pack contains :

- 49 prefabs (unique meshes and variations; concrete barriers, fences, gate, light poles, traffic cones, traffic pole);

- 4 textures with Diffuse and Normal;

- each texture come in 2048, 1024, 512;

- each texture has a psd version with layers;

- 4 animation for the gate ( open, close -

front ; open, close - back);

Update 1.1 :

- Added LOD1 (between 718 and 976 triangles) to A and C types of fences (the ones with concrete on the bottom).

- Separated meshes for concrete and wire mesh for A and C types of fences.

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