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Author name
Explorers Lab
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 5
Elemental Pillar Pack
40 Assets

Package Overview

Elemental Pillar Pack is the useful asset of models which focused on pillars in fantasy games.

This asset includes 5 models and 7 materials/shaders.
There are some marble materials, in addition to, elemental materials such as ice, lava, and aqua.

Fantasy game has various elemental fields and dungeons, so this asset helps for expressing those world.
The pillar is one of the background objects. But players of your game will often see them.


+ Models
- Pillar type 1 (298 verts, 284 tris)
- Pillar type 2 (671 verts, 842 tris)
- Pillar type 3 (988 verts, 1388 tris)
- Pillar type 4 (317 verts, 232 tris)
- Pillar type 5 (591 verts, 776 tris)

+ Materials/Shaders
- Marble
- Granite
- White stone
- Wood
- Ice
- Lava
- Aqua

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
E-mail : explorers-lab@hotmail.com

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