Asset Overview
The Presto type Z radio receiver was manufactured by Towarzystwo Radiotechniczne Elektrit of Vilnius, which operated in 1925-1939, initially as a shop specialising in sales of imported radios and radio parts. Its profile was extended in 1927 by sales of radios of its own make. The company was established by Samuel and Hirsz Chwoles and Nachman Lewin. Due to the Jewish origin of the owners and of many members of the engineering staff (who were often discriminated against when applying for work in other factories, and employed in Elektrit for that very reason) on the wave of anti-Semitism that grew in Poland in the 1930s, the company’s products were often boycotted and considered “non-Christian”. Presto is a seven-circuit radio receiver with four vacuum tubes and has a horizontal layout.
Manufacturer: Towarzystwo Radiotechniczne Elektrit, 1937-1938
MIM 1482/V-308
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA