A set of old Russian furniture.
The furniture is suitable for the reconstruction of a peasant's cottage of the 17th century.
Textures : Albedo map, Normal map,
MetallicSmooth map;
Most textures is 2048 x 2048 ;
All models have UV;
Includes 24 items:
bed 2957 polygons;
bench 280 polygons;
cauldron 770 polygons;
chest 1259 polygons;
chest2 1259 polygons;
crockery 1097 polygons;
furnace 1245 polygons;
horn 1582 polygons;
oven fork 502 polygons;
pot1 754 polygons;
pot2 791 polygons;
pot3 384 polygons;
pot4 610 polygons;
rag 358 polygons;
shelf1 236 polygons;
shelf2 77 polygons;
shelf3 77 polygons;
table 1130 polygons;
washbasin 2848 polygons;
washbasin2 1758 polygons;