Asset Overview
Safe 3D model that I made using Blender. This model was made using a simple design, simple colours, as well as some custom-made images. There is a duo lock which has a combination lock and a digital lock using a number pad.
* Includes 1 Safe 3D model
* Made using the metalness workflow
* Uses 2K PBR textures in PNG format
* Manually UV unwrapped
* Textures can be scaled down and edited
* Origins strategically placed on relevant model parts
* Relevant model parts are parented accordingly
* Blend file has pre-applied materials/textures with camera and lighting setups
* Models exported in FBX, OBJ, GLTF/GLB, DAE/Collada file formats
* Includes GLTF file type instructions and help document
* Includes rendered images, wireframes, and extras
**Included Textures:**
* AO, Diffuse, Roughness, Gloss, Metallic
* UVLayout