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Unity Asset Store
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Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 29.99
Jewelry store - luxury interior and furniture
88 Assets

Package Overview

Mixaill studio presents a good solution for your games, VR projects and simulators. Jewelry store - this is store with luxury interior and furniture includes rings, beads, chains, necklaces.

★ Assets (73)★
- Interior 50K Tris
- 3 Chairs 19K Tris
- 5 Lamps 10K Tris
- 2 Tables 6.5K Tris
- 2 Plants 16.5K Tris
- Showcase 14K Tris
- PC 2.2K Tris
- 16 Rings 6.4K Tris
- 20 Necklace with stands 130K Tris

★ Textures (All textures PBR) ★
512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096 x 4096

Textures types:

★ Other Assets ★
Combine this asset pack with our other assets -
- Electronics store - devices and furniture
- Exhibition stands - conference
- Grocery store - interior and props
- Fashion shop - interior and props
- Clothing store - interior and props

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