PBR Old ClocksClocksPBRHDRPOldGrandfatherClockCollectionWallclock
PBR Old Clocks
253 Assets
Package Overview
This package contains 5 different old Grandfather clocks and 11 old wallclocks. All clocks include between 2 and 28 color variations. Pendulum and Handles are animateable.
Polycounts between 400 and 4800.
Texturesizes Wallclocks: 2048x2048
Texturesizes Grandfather clocks: 4096x4096
All clocks are PBR-textured and include Albedo (with/without alpha), Normal and Maskmap (Metallic, AO, Smothness).
The packages uses the Standard-shader, but everthing is prepared to work with LWRP and HDRP too!
The objects and textures will work with all Unity version from Unity5 and higher.
In total more than 250 variations!
A simple script to animate handles and pendulum is included.